Wednesday, December 02, 2009

For ladies' eyes only!

For Ladies' Eyes Only!

...So if you're a man read no further

... or better still pass onto the women in your life.

You probably already know this, but this week is National Rape Awareness
Week. Full details are here:

Someone very dear to me was raped when she was 15 years old. Her mother
told her never to mention it to anyone ever again, and that she should
forget all about it. So it was never reported and instead got shoved down
as a taboo subject.

30 years later she can't make love with her husband, worries about her zero
sex drive, has all kinds of bowel conditions and lives in constant fear and
insecurity, all of which she attributes to that one incident 3 decades ago.

Click on the link below to see what's being done about it

Please help spread the word.

Thank you,